What’s New at Willows Way?
News & Events
We’re Sharing Our Roots With You
At Willows Way, we are always excited to share new and interesting updates about our staff and clients. From our yearly art exhibition to welcoming new team members and celebrating outstanding accomplishments, we make sure our supporters are always in the loop!
Willows Way Hosting Art of Wine Client Art Exhibit on Nov. 14
Event showcases artistic talents of area adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (St. Charles, MO, Oct. 29, 2019) St. Charles-based...
We Need Advocates
To clients, families, guardians and friends of Willows Way, We are sending this information to all of you in the hopes that we may be able to find...
Willows Way Welcomes Three New Members to its Board of Directors
(St. Charles, MO, July 31, 2019) St. Charles-based Willows Way, a non-profit organization providing support to area adults with intellectual and...